Child custody is without a doubt the single most contentious family law issue caused by divorce in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
There are basically two forms of child custody in Oklahoma:
- Physical custody.
- Legal custody.
Read further to find out the difference between physical and legal custody in Stillwater.
Physical vs. Legal Custody
The parent with physical custody is the parent in whose household the child actually resides. The parent with legal custody is the parent who has the legal authority to make decisions regarding the child’s welfare and upbringing.
Mothers are approximately five times more likely to be granted physical custody of their children than fathers. However, when physical custody is awarded to the mother, the father almost always receives court-ordered visitation rights. Both parents must honor visitation rights after a divorce.
Legal custody is most often shared jointly between the parents.
Joint Custody
It is generally thought that it is in the best interests of a child to have both parents involved with his or her life, both legally and physically. Thus, it is increasingly common for courts to award the parents joint custody of their children as often as possible.
Oklahoma provides for joint custody in the following ways.
With joint “physical” custody, the children live part time with one parent, then with the other. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the amount of time spent between the parents is equal, but that both parents have frequent physical time with the children.
With joint “legal” custody, one parent might be given physical custody of the children, while the other only enjoys visitation rights. Both parents, however, enjoy an equal say in the major decisions regarding the children’s welfare.
Determining Child Custody
No one other than a judge can issue a child custody order. But if the parents can arrive at an agreement that is fair and reasonable and submit it to the court, it will usually be approved by the judge.
However, if the parents cannot come to fair and reasonable arrangements on their own, the judge will make the arrangements for them, in light of what he or she believes to be in the “best interests of the children.”
In making this determination, the judge will weigh various factors, including, but not limited to, the following:
- The health and age of the parents.
- The age and health sex of the children.
- The parents’ individual incomes.
- The parents’ individual lifestyles.
- The relationship the children have with each parent.
- The wishes of all parties concerned, including the children.
After all things are considered, if neither parent stands out as a more likely candidate for physical custody than the other, the judge will award physical custody to the parent whom he or she believes will provide a more stable environment for the children.
Initial Strategy Session: Stillwater Child Custody Attorney
Our Stillwater family lawyer can help with divorce, child custody, paternity issues, child support, and other family law issues.
For a confidential, no-obligation consultation with a Stillwater child custody attorney, call 405-673-1600 today.
You can also submit a quick question for the Stillwater attorney using the form at the top right of this page.
Either way you reach out to us, we will promptly reply to your child custody question.